Bloggerwave is service that allows advertisers and bloggers to bring their services together.
Advertisers use Bloggerwave to find bloggers to write about their products and services.
Bloggers find an article they would like to write about or a product they would like too feature and sign up to take the job on and write about it. Adding the ‘Sponsored by Bloggerwave’ at the bottom of the post so that Bloggerwave knows that it has been written about and posted.
The site does have a ranking system. The higher you rank the better the ‘jobs’ you get.
Is it worth it? well, I’ll let you know. This is the first Bloggerwave post on the TechBurgh blog. Even TechBurgh doesn’t rank high enough yet to get any other jobs on the site.
Doesn’t it compromise… stuff?
I don’t see that paid posting really compromises a blog or bllogger. Reputable pay-to-post sites don’t say "All posts have to be shining and positive". Advertisers are using the blog medium for exposure because they want honest, real, human reviews and articles.
I wouldn’t post shining, brilliant articles about something I didn’t want to. Heck, I wouldn’t pick that job.
It’s all up to you. Your thoughts?
See Bloggerwave
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