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How far would you travel for social media?

While planning for the next Podcamp Pittsburgh is in the distant future, there is another social media conference I’m planning to attend and I wouldn’t mind if an entire Pittsburgh contingent went with me. On February 22-23, 2008, The University of British...

How I use my web site

[Post #2 in the Chris Brogan list of 100 things you should write about] As I work through the list of things to write about (or at least look through it) I’m seeing some things that would be really hard to write about.  There’ll be a bunch of stuff at...

Top 10 personalized flash drive gift ideas

Personalized Flash Drives are always useful.  They’re not like socks or sweaters, they’re just always the right thing. Pexagon has a great deal for you and the computer user in your life – customized, laser etched USB Drives. Choose from 14...

DelightfulDeliveries makes the top 100 has been recognized as one of the Hot 10 Retail Sites – Congratulations! is a great gift and gift basket retailer. Gift baskets can contain anything from Candy Gift Baskets to nuts, from Wine Gift Baskets to...

Webapp Wednesdays – Seesmic

Hello! So this is my first article here on Techburgh, and I was going to give you a bit of an idea as to who I am, but Andy posted a pretty decent bio on me over here, so I think I’ll skip the "about me" and jump into the "about this column"....