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image I like to highlight online commercial services that offer a little extra, guides, FAQs, comparisons, tips and things like that.

It makes me think of home town, mom & pop type stores where you can go in and get help with what you need and buying is just an extra – does that make sense? is kind of like that.

Whether it’s a full projection system or just an LCD projector bulb you’re looking for they can pretty much help you with it.

One thing that struck me about the site is the “Burnout Buster” alert system.
I guess projector bulbs have become pretty predictable. If you put your bulb type and purchase date into the shopping cart system they’ll email you to tell you your bulb is about to burn out and that it’s time too order a new one. Nice huh?

There’s lots more on the site too like learning resources, projector wizards, comparisons, and more.

Oh yeah – the ‘buying being extra’ thing. is an authorized dealere and offers discount pricing on projectors, lamps, mounts, screens, cases, accessories and more.