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This week we’re lucky enough to feature the beautiful Cyan Banister – check out the startup she is a part of at

cyanimage1 Name:


San Francisco

Entrepreneur, artist and geek

Do you use a laptop or desktop?
Both! I have five computers – three desktops and two laptops.

CyanMerkleyPhotoApple or PC?
Apple hardware is beautiful. Simply amazing. However, I primarily use a PC because of Windows/Exchange/BES. I’m tethered to my Blackberry and my life depends on calendaring working smoothly. I’m thinking of switching to a Mac and running Parallels. That way, I can have the best of both worlds!

What’s your favorite gadget and why?
My Blackberry. I can’t live without it. I can do remote work via email, browse the web and keep up with what’s going on on Facebook. The iPhone is very cool, but I can’t use it due the lack of BES integration and no tactile keyboard.

What do you use your computer for most?Communication – AIM, email, and intra-social networking messaging

cyanparty1Do you watch TV & Movies on TV or your computer?
I do! I’ve been doing this more and more recently. I travel and am on the go quite a bit, so this is sometimes the only way I can pull of watching tv. I currently have a season pass for Chuck and I watched the entire first season of Heroes on my laptop. Sometimes I queue up shows like The 4400 and then later watch them on my Apple TV.

Favorite web site/s?
Facebook, MySpace, Digg, Ebay, Flickr, Wikipedia, Google News

How has tech most affected your life?
This is one of those questions that gives you pause and makes you think of the days when you spent time at the library because information wasn’t instantly available. Information can’t be a 9 to 5 operation. I’d have to say this is how it affected my life the most. I can now find out anything I want to know at any time of the day. Also, I can communicate instantly with my business contacts, family and friends.

Do you have any web sites you’d like listed with your feature? – Beauty Uncensored

Anything else?
Just – thank you!


Pic credits:
cyanimage1 = Wilkinson )
CyanMerkleyPhoto = Merkley (,
Cyanparty1 = Icka (