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Frictionless buying at an ‘ah-ha’ domain

Frictionless buying at an ‘ah-ha’ domain

I’m fortunate enough to not need glasses or contact lenses. I never have and I don’t really relish the day that I’m told that I do need them (nor do I envy the person who has the job of breaking the news to me). I do know that if I did have to buy...

CNET News: We heart robots

"Robots: Evolution of a Cultural Icon" is the name of a new exhibit at the San Jose Museum of Art. CNET’s Kara Tsuboi pays a visit to the California museum to learn how and why artists have used robots to mirror society an… Added: June...

Yahoo: Fire Eagle Preview

I get lots of beta invitations for different things coming into my mailbox pretty regularly. This is one that kind of rung a bell when I saw it but I wasn’t quite sure what exactly it was for. Fire Eagle is a (still in private beta) Yahoo! service that gives you...

PCs: Over 1 billion served

Reuters is reporting that the number of computers on Earth has surpassed the 1 billion mark. Apparently the number is set to double by 2014, Read the full article [here]