Post from Holly
This Thursday, Pittsburgh will be participating in Twestival, an international fundraising event along with 175 plus communities. This event is helping to raise money for charity: water, a non-profit organization that works to bring clean, safe drinking water to developing nation citizens by funding sustainable clean water solutions.
About a month ago I started to see conversation on Twitter about the twestival. I thought what a great concept to use Twitter and the community there to help raise awareness and money for such a worthy cause. We have a large Twitter community in Pittsburgh and have an active Pittsburgh Tweetup group so I knew that we could have one here.
The response has been great! The Downey’s House and BarkleyREI quickly jumped on the idea to be our sponsors. Donors from the Twitter community have been approaching me every day since we announced Pittsburgh was having a Twestival.
I encourage everyone whether you’re on Twitter or not to come to the event, blog about it, give money to a great cause. It’s going to be held at the Downey’s House in Robinson Township this Thursday from 6pm-9pm. Check out our blog for more information.
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