- Image via Wikipedia
I disagree with the statement made by some web guru’s that all the good domain names are gone. Search engine optimization, does not depend heavily on the www name you select. For my clients just starting out the decision choosing small business www name has never been a issue. It is a fact that all the three character and 4 character www names with the key extensions are taken. Furthermore, I agree that a vast number of choice domain names are no longer available; but, the selection of a suitable domain name for your small business is possible if you remain flexible.
The real value in the name you choose from a search perspective is how easy it is to spell and remember. Of the two types of visitors to your site, the human visitors and search engines, the ability of a person to remember your domain name and spell it correctly to pass it on to others outweighs any SEO value. Search engines are robots and don’t care.
Using words like “best”, or other exaggerated terms in your domain name is thought by some to be a disadvantage and penalized by search engines. Search algorithms change often and likewise that theory, and although you may not be banned for using such words, consider the reaction of your human visitors. They may not stick around if they feel you boast without the content to back it up. For a serious commercial enterprise, my advice is avoiding adjectives in the domain name all together.
In some cases new clients approach me to redesign an existing website, and it shocks me that some of the basics are overlooked. For example, a commercial enterprise in business for profit should not select a dot ORG domain simply because the dot COM was taken. This was the case from a conversation with a client interested in a site makeover. Their ORG version was online for 2 years with little or no backlinks or serious indexing from search engines. The mindset of getting one particular name should be reconsidered especially if it’s your first online venture.
Here’s a breakdown of the most wanted domain extensions and the usual purpose of each:
COM – Commercial for profit enterprise
INFO – Information only related website
NET – Companies providing internet services
ORG – Non-profit organizations
Certainly there are many more like BIZ, US, WS, and others which are all reasonable choices, but for your commercial small business my suggestion is always acquire a dot COM domain name. The client mentioned before did not realize a dot ORG was intended for a non-commercial enterprise, and they decided the poor website SEO performance was something that justified getting a new dot COM. We easily found an available www domain using their company initials and one key word about their target market which is medical. Despite my advice that they keep the existing site and simply change the theme, they decided to just drop it all together when it expired.
Visit Sticky Web Domains today to web domain or buy domain name.
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