Having a good web presence is crucial for your success, and you have that.
However, it’s not the only ingredient required for success. You must be able to monetise your site perfectly…and that means knowing which affiliate marketing programs to link to as well as keeping your finger on the pulse so you know when new, big internet marketing online launches are available.
To maximise your revenues from your IM blog, you should take part in as many high profile launches as possible. The internet marketing core market is
continually looking for NEW products and services – it’s key to be able to offer them what’s hot right from your blog.
How To Find Out What’s Happening On The Internet Marketing Scene?
Two of the main ways that I use are:
(1) Keep an eye on http://www.imnewswatch.com/ which details new events & products within the IM industry.
(2) Pop in to forums like the Warrior Forum – http://www.warriorforum.com/
That’s all you really need to be doing on a basic level to stay in the loop.
When you see a new product/service from a big name guru then my advice is to purchase it to make sure it’s good before recommending it on your blog.
Credibility is important, and you do not want to promote a product that you don’t genuinely believe in.
Some Of The Popular Affiliate & Pay Per Lead Programs You Can Use
Your blog comes fully customised with Adsense & selected affiliate programs – however, you can choose to set-up even more affiliate and
pay per lead links inside your blog if you wish.
You should also add new content regularly to your blog, and the below affiliate/PPL programs
will help you to earn money from every post.
Here’s a list of some good affiliate programs that fit right in with
the internet marketing niche:
Web Ceo – http://www.webceo.com (Earns over $70 per sale on a popular
search engine optimisation software)
Axandra – http://www.axandra.com/affiliates/index.htm (Pays upto $157 per sale on SEO software)
An increasing number of businesses are choosing dedicated hosting –
the affiliate program below offers upto $775 per sale on their dedicated hosting services:
Derek Gehl Products – D.G. is a very well known marketer with some high converting products. You can earn monthly checks of upto $4,500 through
his affiliate program: http://www.marketingtips.com/assoc/
Some Pay Per Lead Programs For Internet Marketing
Before we go on, please remember that pay per lead is a more dynamic
affiliate model that pay per sale/Adsense. This means the payouts and
programs are subject to change their offers and revenues (or even switch
from PPL to PPS at their whim).
From CJ.com (Commission Junction):
Compete.com – $85 Per Lead (client must complete a purchase)
Yahoo Search Marketing – $15 Per Lead (get paid for giving away $50 free credit)
Entrepreneur.com – $5 per lead
Pro Stores – $20 to $100 per lead
From Direct Leads:
Keyword Max – $12 per lead
Branko Rakic
Web Traffic Pro
P.S. Unlock your financial abundance with the help of emotional freedom technique.
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