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SEATTLE, March 31, 2009 — Iccomplish, Inc announces the
availability of "Quick Corporate Minutes" desktop software
that takes the tediousness out of corporate record-keeping
and storage. Now small-to-midsize "S" and "C" corporations
can remain compliant with corporate reporting laws quickly
and efficiently, and for a fraction of the cost of hiring a
corporate attorney.
Failure to keep annual meeting minutes may subject business
owners to the wrath of the IRS. Having a corporation
disallowed simply because the officers didn’t comply with
record-keeping requirements has tremendous negative tax
implications and could result in fines and penalties big
enough to cripple a small business.
Quick Corporate Minutes provides access to a built-in
library of forms and templates designed to quickly document
corporate resolutions and minutes. It saves time and reduces
errors by automatically pre-filling much of the data. Then
Quick Corporate Minutes prepares, stores, retrieves and
prints those resolutions and minutes on demand.
Quick Corporate Minutes keeps track of minutes and
resolutions made during organizational meetings and periodic
shareholder and/or director meetings. A large number of
resolution templates and sample meeting minutes are
available with the software.
Quick Corporate Minutes enables business owners to focus on
their core business without having to worry about incurring
serious legal and financial repercussions because they
aren’t keeping their corporate paperwork up-to-date.
"Let’s face it, as business owners, we tend to put off the
tedious tasks and focus on those that produce meaningful and
measurable results. Everything else we hand off to someone
else. The problem is, when it comes to your company’s legal
document requirements, that someone else is usually a
corporate lawyer charging hundreds of dollars an hour," said
David Pedigo, optometrist and small corporation owner. "With
Quick Corporate Minutes on your team, you can fulfill all
your corporate reporting requirements, year after year, for
less than the cost of a few minutes of your attorney’s
For more information or to experience a free demo of Quick
Corporate Minutes, visit
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