- Image by Getty Images via Daylife
Optimizing your blog for the search engines is crucial! There are so many different blogs out there that you’ll quickly sink to the bottom if you don’t optimize. Follow these seven tips and you’ll be well on your way to high rankings.
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In order for your blog to have the best chance of being found by the search engines you need backlinks and traffic but once the search engine spiders and various bots find your site it needs to be ready for it to be explored. If the search engines cant navigate your site or find anything relevant on it because its all images or Javascript or flash that the spiders cant read then the search engines wont know what your blog is about.
Some basic WordPress plugins that help in that respect plus some preparation as to what your blog is going to be about will go a long way to feeding the spiders or search engine bots that roam the web.
#1 – Create the Right Permalink Structure
The permalinks WordPress uses by default are not search engine friendly. You can make this simple change by putting %postname% instead of the default that is there. This will create URL’s that include your post name — which should include your targeted keywords.
#2 – Install All in One SEO Plugin
This plugin is a must-have. It allows you to specify a title, description, and the keywords for the search engines. It can really help you reach the top of the listings, whereas the standard WP installation can fall short.
#3 – Install Related Posts Plugin
Search engines love it when content pages are interlinked. It also works very well for the search engines. It will automatically include links to other posts that are similar. Very convenient!
#4 – Research your Keywords
When people search, they do so by keyword. You need to know what these keywords are if you want to rank at the top of the search engines. Your posts should be centered around these keywords.
#5 – Include Your Keywords in the Title
You need to include your main keyword in the title of your blog. Also, include your main keyword and select others in the titles of your posts and sprinkled throughout your pages.
#6 – Make Your Blog Easy to Navigate
Easy navigation is essential for your guests and the search engines. That means including your blog’s categories, recent posts (to make sure they get indexed) and pages. Easy navigation is also part of choosing a good design.
#7 – Expand the Ping List
When you make a new blog post WordPress will “ping” the blog search engines. This alerts them that content on your site has changed. This can help you get indexed fast so you can start making income fast. Do a Google search to find an expanded ping list you can include in your wp-admin so you make sure you get as many of these sites to update you as possible.
Using these seven plugins will make your job of ranking highly in the search engines easier than ever. If you’re new to blogging with WordPress then the terms might seem incredibly strange to you right now. As you study them and put them into action it will start to feel like second nature!
There are hundreds of plugins you can use to give your WordPress blog a unique feel but there are only a few you need to make sure that the search engines know you exist and to keep them spiders coming. The content on the blog is what keeps the visitors coming.
For unbiased information and further articles and reviews on how to make money blogging sites and products, then www.makemoneyblogging-reviews.com with its top reviews including video reviews can help you decide.
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