- Image by nattu via Flickr
Social Media Marketing – Web 2.0
We are now passed the initial phase of thinking this web 2.0 stuff is just a wacky new term.
Companies have recognised the benefits of social media, buzz marketing, and social collaboration. See more at get organized techniques,
Online PR
In fact, social media is online public relations.
And ironically, with the rise of social media, we are seeing a return of PR journalist relationships becoming personal 1:1 relationships. professional organizer, Mass syndication is fine. But for optimal PR coverage online, we need personal ties with key people in our industry.
This has given rise to the social media news release – with select personal relationships that we provide unique content to so they can cover unique angles in their own way.
Consumer Trends
In the social media world people associate with personal brands more than with company brands. business skills,
Over 50 percent of consumers perceive companies that provide communication features such as real-time dialog as progressive, advanced, and eager to please the customer. People interacting with people on a personal level is what the social web is all about.
“Our blog should be the base of operations, but we should have outposts in many of these places and become active participants. It’s just how things are done these days.” See more at management meetings,
Viral Marketing
Hotmail was one of the first companies to grow so quickly online through viral marketing. They restricted access to Hotmail email accounts and allowed members to introduce 10 of their friends. That campaign grew hotmail like wild fire.
Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia not only has top search engine rankings for more phrases than I care to fathom, but has been created purely from social collaboration of visitors contributing information and creating pages (user generated content). business influence,
One model of social media marketing recognises 6 tyes of ‘web 2.0 website’:
Media Sharing – YouTube, StimTV, Podcasting, etc.
Social Bookmarking – Delicious, Diigo, etc.
Citizen Media – Blogs, Tag Engines, RSS Feeds, etc.
Collaborative Directories – Wikipedia, Prefound, Zimbio, etc.
Collaborative Harvesters – Digg, Netscape, Reddit, Popurls, etc.
Social Networking – Facebook, MySpace, Squidoo, etc.
Conversion generally means executing the process of changing the current situation to the desired situation.
In terms of marketing, Conversion is about taking an opportunity for business from one stage of involvement with your service to a higher stage of involvement.
The full customer lifecycle passes through various conversion funnels:
Lead generation (front-end marketing)
Customer acquisition (front-end marketing)
Customer retention (back-end marketing)
Customer value (back-end marketing)
As a direct response marketer, I must approach marketing from the point of view that before you can see customers as numbers and data, you must first see them as humans: people with feelings.
Those feelings are in essence:
Seeking pleasures, and
Avoiding pains.
The marketing numbers must evolve naturally out of dealing with those pleasures and pains. Marketing targets must be true to the dynamics inherent in the marketing funnel. See more at ability to influence,
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