Image via Wikipedia
For a long time I rarely wore jeans. In fact, for quite some time I didn’t own a pair of jeans.
There wasn’t any particular reason, in my job I didn’t wear them and outside of work… well, there was no outside of work.
Lately though I’ve picked up a couple of pairs of jeans, if you’re lucky you might even see me wearing them.
I normally go for the cleaner, non-saggy, style. I guess if I want to look casual I still want to look presentable. Nothing too worn or disfigured.
Kind of like the Hand Sanded Style, overdryed (which often ends up happening anyway), or the straight washed style.
Regular rise too. I don’t want to show too much ;-p
I heard about an offer that I thought I’d share.
Between 7/7/09 and 7/19/09, the Armani Exchange is giving away a $20 gift card with purchases over $100 (see site for details).
Also, they’re holding a contest called ‘text A|X’ through which you can win a pair of very nice Armani jeans each day of the month of July by just texting “Denim2” to ARMANI (276264) (more info here).
What I do like about the Armani Exchange site is the changing room.
For those people with a modicum of dress sense they can piece together outfits and accessories to see how they look before they order them online.
This is the kind of thing I’d wear 🙂
So, check out the Armani Exchange site, the A|X Blog, they’re on Twitter too.
See what you’d piece together an pick out your favorite style of jeans (Premuim Styles starting at $98, which isn’t bad).