(ARA) – The warmer months are always a great time to do a little spring cleaning, but don’t ignore the digital gadgets and gizmos you have laying around the house. It’s probably been months since you organized your computer files, or double-checked the batteries in your emergency devices to make sure everything is ready to go when you need it.
So get organized this spring, and make sure you add all your digital devices to the list. Here are some tips for tackling a digital spring cleaning:
* Start with your computer, because you might be surprised at how much faster it processes information when it’s organized. De-clutter your e-mail inbox by sorting e-mails into folders or deleting messages you don’t need any longer. You might discover communications you forgot to respond to, or work that you put on your “later” list that really needs to get done immediately. Also, run a defragmenting software program for the hard drive and remove any unwanted items from your desktop so you can find everything quickly and easily.
* Switch out the old batteries in all your small electronics. Restock your pantry with batteries to get prepared for power needs that usually come up at a moment’s notice. Look for Duracell’s AA and AAA battery packs that now offer 20 percent more batteries for the same price. Some of the electronic items you can replace batteries in include your digital camera, remote controls, alarm clocks, flashlights, toys and pagers. By changing out all the used batteries with fresh ones, you can guarantee that these electronic items you rely on will be ready to go when you need them.
* Change the batteries in your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors. Your family’s safety is very important and you rely on these two detectors to alert everyone in a time of emergency. Fire departments across the country recommend replacing batteries in detectors when you change your clock for Daylight Savings Time. “A working smoke alarm and carbon monoxide detector is the simplest way to protect yourself and your family from a fire,” says Nicholas Scoppetta, commissioner of the New York Fire Department.
* Combine your digital spring cleaning with your regular organization of receipts, tax records, car repair receipts and anything else you would file in a cabinet. Scan in documents you need to keep and save them to your hard drive as well as to a back-up external memory drive, such as a Duracell Flash memory card or USB Flash Drive. This system allows you to shrink your storage needs while maintaining easy access.
With a digitally clean house, you are making your life a little more organized while also staying prepared for any technical emergencies that might arise. So get your cleaning going now, and enjoy your clutter-free house. Visit www.duracell.com to learn more.
Courtesy of ARAcontent
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