WESTMINSTER, Colo., March 25, 2010 — Affiliate.com (a
division of Media Breakaway, LLC), a pioneer in the
performance-based marketing industry, is excited to announce
that it is has joined with Affiliate Marketers Give Back in
support of the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer in Chicago, June
5-6, 2010. The company is doing far more than just writing a
check to show their commitment to the cause.
The company will be flying seven staff members to Chicago to
participate in the event, including Jazette Pester, Jon
Ringhofer, Brittany Bankston, Brian Chase, Sara D’Onofrio,
and Jenny Frederick. Since making the initial announcement
last week, the Affiliate.com team members have already
raised nearly $6,000, with plans of reaching $20,000 before
the event this summer.
In addition, the company’s design team will be creating a
limited edition t-shirt commemorating the event. The shirts
will be worn by all of the Affiliate Marketers Give Back
team members during the walk and will also be used in a
variety of fundraising initiatives to drive donations and
awareness of the event within the affiliate marketing
community. Announcements about these promotions will be made
on the Affiliate.com Blog, as well as on the Affiliate
Marketers Give Back website.
“Every 13 minutes, a life is lost to breast cancer. We as
affiliate marketers have the opportunity to help change that
statistic,” said Missy Ward, Founder of Affiliate Marketers
Give Back. “To that end, I am thrilled that Affiliate.com
and seven of its staff members have committed to
participating in the 2010 Affiliate Marketers Give Back,
Avon Walk for Breast Cancer with me and the rest of the
team. Affiliate.com continues to make more than just
history, they’re getting out there and making a difference.”
Over the years, Affiliate.com and Media Breakaway have
provided support to a wide variety of charitable
organizations, including the Salvation Army, Habitat for
Humanity, the Muscular Dystrophy Association, The Children’s
Hospital, the Food Bank of the Rockies, and the Denver
Rescue Mission. The pursuit of a cure for breast cancer is a
cause that has special meaning for many members of the
company, who have friends or family whose lives have been
affected by the disease.
“Giving back has been one of the cornerstones of our company
since its founding in 2001,” said Pace Lattin, Chief
Rainmaker for Affiliate.com. “We encourage every company in
the affiliate marketing industry to get involved in their
communities, whether it is through a group like Affiliate
Marketers Give Back, or as a part of their own initiatives.”
About Affiliate.com
Affiliate.com is a division of Media Breakaway, LLC – an
industry leader in advertising and direct-marketing,
delivering full-service, results-oriented solutions.
Affiliate.com is one of the most successful and experienced
affiliate networks in the industry, providing its
advertisers and affiliates with unparalleled service and
support to help them drive sales and revenue.
About Media Breakaway
Media Breakaway, LLC is an industry leader in advertising
and direct-marketing, delivering full-service,
results-oriented solutions. Affiliate.com, a division of
Media Breakaway, LLC, is one of the fastest-growing
affiliate networks in the industry, providing its
advertisers and affiliates with unparalleled service and
support to help them drive sales and revenue. DataOverdrive,
a division of Media Breakaway, LLC, offers List Management
Solutions to help clients convert their current lists into a
supplemental profit center. Visit
http://www.MediaBreakaway.com, http://www.affiliate.com or
http://www.DataOverdrive.com for more information.
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