With the arrival of in-ear sound-isolating earphones, a person would think that a music lover’s most important requirements have currently been fulfilled. Today’s pocket-sized toys are engineered for producing an exceptional spectrum of sound at reasonable volumes anywhere your ears end up. The only conundrum we still need to conquer is small ears. I’m not talking about kid’s ears – that’s for a future article.
This article is going to talk about adults who just must contend with smaller than usual ear canals. A few earphone owners report earphones which won’t fit down properly into the ear canal, or hurt in case they do. Well, the good news is that several earphone manufacturers, on purpose or accident, recently began to make a group of compact earphones for discerning adults. A great option is the Bose QuietComfort 3.
Audio Technica earphones provide some astonishing sound quality hidden in an especially tiny package. Their oversized 12.5 mm driver produces a wide range of sound, and a very suitable volume. On the other hand, the earbuds are designed to be as diminutive as can be managed, and fit very small ears comfortably.
Atomic Bass produces a product which delivers a double-specialized package of tiny earbuds and big bass booms. If you prefer bass-focused music including hard rock or hip-hop, Atomic Bass is a decent product to check out. Atomic Bass came up with an original key to the fitting issue. The earphones might be inserted using three possible angles, and are packaged with three fittings, the smallest one being nearly the smallest made. Three insertion angles times three fitting sizes makes nine available possibilities for achieving the most appropriate fit for everyone’s ears. You may want to look into the Denon AH-NC732 Active Noise Canceling Headphones.
The Etymotic ER6i earphone set is not comparable to the bass-machine that Atomic Bass is, but this model’s bass is balanced and the earphones put out a fairly balanced output for the rest of the available range. With totally superlative sound as well as properly fitted earphones, most users will be quite happy with these tiny jewels.
The Shure Ec2 ear buds offer a suitable variety of earphone sleeves, and it is likely that even the tiniest ears may be accommodated by one of their sleeves. Shure has a well-known record of offering well made stereo equipment to the commercial and retail markets, so you could expect some above average sound from these headphones. These earbuds give you that performance, and they bring it in a package that feels lightweight, comfortable, and just the thing for diminutive ears.
People are not mass-produced mechanisms, and this is why products like jackets and boots are available in so many sizes. It logically follows, then, that earbuds should be sold in a selection of sizes to fit anyone who would like good music and a comfortable fit.
Related articles by Zemanta
- Arctic Sound E361 Earphone Review (geardiary.com)
- More Earphones That Fit (gadgetwise.blogs.nytimes.com)
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