First, I’m no runner. Now, I’m not out of shape but I wouldn’t say I’m terribly in-shape either.
It has been years since I really did any running. Since then I’ve done a lot of sitting around and trying not to run.
I get a fair amount of exercise, sporadically, in the Fire Department but a flat out run… as I’m finding out, is somewhat different.
I did think about investing in the Nike+ system a little while ago but decided not to when I say that the running shoes that you can put the widget into cost more than I wanted to put into any piece of clothing that would likely be worn only a couple of times.
This week Nike released the Nike+ GPS App for the iPhone.
Downloadable from the App store for $1.99 the app tracks your run for you. Time, Distance, pace, route, etc. are all tracked and kept in the app and can be uploaded to the Nike+ web site.
The app interface is fairly easy to use. Open it up, put in your height, weight, age and you’re about ready to run.
There is an indoor (treadmill) and outdoor mode.
You can see your runs, averages and other basic stats on the front screen.
The app gives you encouraging little remarks and updates throughout your run while you listen to your iPhone music or just run in silence.
I gave the app a quick run along the Waterfront River Walk this morning. Its a nice run with the River and Squirrel Hill on one side and the Waterfront Development on the other. Going through West Homestead, Homestead and Munhall you have a Starbucks, Eat ‘n Park, and a McDonalds along the way.
One of the features I liked most was the GPS mapping and route pace.
You can see from the image the different shading telling me where my faster and slower stretches were.
When synced with the Nike+ web site (free) you can see your run compared to the terrain and graphs and more telling you how you’re doing.
The Nike+ web site is in something of a development infancy right now. I’ve been told that it has developed quite some since its inception but I think it still has a way to go to be truly usable. There’s a lot of information there to use and share.
Nike+ offers limited social networking services right now, pretty much share your data on Twitter and Facebook and connect with friends via email addresses to challenge and see how you’re all doing.
There are challenges and pre-mapped routes. Get a little coaching in particular areas from professionals too.
I think I’ll run again with the app. I might wear my shoes instead of my boots and hope that it won’t rain.
I know for a fact that I need to better my time and I think this app gives me the knowledge I need to do just that.
In all, the app is well worth $1.99. Well worth a try if you do a little running at all or want to get into an exercise routine.
See the Nike Announcement here look in the Apple App store for Nike