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Today’s high-speed Internet makes most things better, faster and easier. Hobbyists are increasingly turning to specialized websites and online forums to learn more about their favorite pastimes. From writing to knitting to travelling, people all around the world are connecting to find new ways to enjoy their free time.

Most people are aware that the Internet is a great place to learn and trade information, but many don’t know how many entertaining and engaging activities the Web makes possible. Here are just a few of the more popular ways people are interacting online:

Real-time video games:

Most new video games are being marketed to online users, that is, people who play them against other online gamers in real time. Popular games such as Halo and Call of Duty have had great franchise success with this concept. Gamers with a high-speed Internet connection, usually accessed through their gaming console or a PC hookup, find that their level of interest, as well as their skill set, usually increases when pitted against other players throughout the world.

Writing and freelancing:

Gone are the days when amateur authors would have to print and collate dozens of copies of their work to mail to publishers in hopes of being printed. Particularly, the rise of rural high speed Internet as a necessity rather than a luxury now means that anyone has the chance to have their work read. Many find enjoyment in posting to blogs and how-to sites, while others have turned their hobby profitable using one of the multitude of freelance sites on the Web, such as The glut of new talent and ease of editing has made the Internet the new go-to place for aspiring authors and weekend enthusiasts alike.

Recording music:

In the last 10 years, music production and recording have become increasingly digital. New artists are now turning to the Internet to get their sounds heard, and often the music itself is digitally mixed and re-mastered using one the of the many available free software applications found online. With collaboration from an online community of listeners, these artists are able to fine-tune their sound, then put their tracks out there for someone in the recording industry to find. Many sites, such as Craigslist and offer artists a forum to post their tunes and get feedback from those in the industry.

Cooking and baking:

While the enormous popularity of recipe sites available is certainly of value to any home cook, the rise of satellite Internet has provided a myriad of other tools to make cooking easier. Sites such as YouTube and offer videos and live webcasts to help walk chefs through tricky techniques like shucking an oyster or boning a chicken. In addition, many recipe sites offer the option for members to post photos of their creations, rate a recipe and offer feedback on how they could be improved. It’s even possible to download smart phone applications that feed new culinary trends and news directly to your phone, complete with grocery lists and instructional videos.

Whatever your passion, the Internet can help you pursue it without great forethought or resources. Diving headfirst into a new hobby has never been easier, and becoming an expert on any topic is now attainable. Get a comfy chair, a high-speed Internet connection and get out there and start pursuing your interests – online.

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