Pittsburgh, PA: October 27, 2010: Cookies for Kids’ Cancer is
a not-for-profit organization committed to raising funds to
support research for new and improved therapies for pediatric
cancers. Through local bake sales, Cookies for Kids’
Cancer provides the inspiration and support for individuals,
communities, and businesses to help fight pediatric cancer.
Location: Once Upon a Child
Date: Saturday, November 20, 2010
Time: 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Robinson Towne Centre
Pittsburgh, PA 15205
The first Cookies for Kids’ Cancer bake sale was held
in December 2007, when the mom of a young child
with cancer decided to have an enormous bake sale where
she and others would sell 96,000 cookies to raise money to
help fund a pediatric cancer treatment in development. With
the help of more than 250 volunteers, all 96,000 cookies were
baked and sold in just three weeks. The bake sale raised over
$400,000. From the support the first bake sale received, the idea
to create an organization for people to hold their own bake sales
came to life with the creation of a national organization.
Cookies for Kids’ Cancer is not about one child or one
type of pediatric cancer. It is about changing the facts of
pediatric cancer for the better, forever. Childhood cancers
are the number one disease killer of children – more than
asthma, muscular dystrophy, multiple sclerosis and pediatric
AIDS combined. Nearly 13,000 children are diagnosed with
cancer each year. Survivors of childhood cancer face a
broad range of physical and psychological challenges imposed by
the disease, and some will suffer its long-term effects for the rest
of their lives. Despite all these statistics, there has not been a
new drug developed specifically for pediatric cancer in 20 years.
Together we can raise the funds and awareness necessary to
change the face of pediatric cancer research and to provide
more families and children with the hope they deserve. Cookies
for Kids’ Cancer is committed to raising the funds to support
research for new and improved therapies for pediatric cancer.
Make the future of pediatric cancers something more than
a scary statistic. Join the fight because every child deserves a
chance to live their dreams.