Pittsburgh is full of awesome tech goodness, we all know that, right?
I was recently invited to attend the Alpha Lab and Innovation Works Demo Day to see what the oh-so-clever people at Alpha Labs have been working on.
One of the presenters was by Geneva Mars, a company who is developing educational, interactive cartoons for mobile platforms (currently just the iPad)
Geneva Mars’ first product is called “Zachy the Robot”. Zachy lives in Robo City, he’s part of a group of Robots who fix whatever needs to be fixed in Robocity.
You, the application user (or your child – whatever 🙂 ) help Zachy and his friends carry out their tasks. The game is targeted at ages 3-7 years of age.
Yes, when I downloaded and installed the beta, I was the first person to take a look.
The animation is well done, the story is a nice little story and it’s all pieced together to help the user learn as they go through the game/video.
I sat down with the granddaughter of a friend of mine today as she played with Zachy and my iPad.
The whole episode takes about 30 mins to go through and it easily held Marin’s attention. We watched the video sequences and helped Zachy and his friends prop up the tallest building in Robocity.
It was good to see Marin learning as she went through the game – remembering which items work best to prop things up and why. She even skipped ahead of the game at times, suggesting what the Robots should do next.
In all, it works! Not only was Marin interacting with the Robots she was interacting with me too. Work on some quality time while the kids learn, right?
I approve. So does Marin. She wanted to see more of Zachy.
Be sure to check out Zachy the Robot and more great stuff from Geneva Mars very, very soon.
Head on over to GenevaMars.com to learn more
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- iPad Interactive Displays (magnaefamae.wordpress.com)
- iRobot to use Android to power the new AVA robot (geek.com)