(ARA) – The era of the Internet start-up boom may be over, but demand for technology professionals continues to rise. Broader use of cheaper, more easily available technology by a variety of industries, and a dearth of technology professionals mean technology will continue to be a hot career choice.
The technology industry remains one of the fastest growing career fields. Employment in the computer sciences and math fields increased by 78 percent, according to the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO). By contrast, employment increased by only 17 percent in non-science and tech fields. Moreover, the Bureau of Labor Statistics expects information technology careers to remain in high demand in coming years.
As prices for computer technology continue to fall, businesses of all kinds will continue to integrate technology into their operations. This means that computer technology graduates will continue to be in high demand in a range of career fields.
As a result, tomorrow’s computer technology careers will increasingly be outside the computer or technology industry itself. The Information Technology Association of America found that 92 percent of IT graduates work outside the IT industry. This is a trend that is expected to continue as technology continues to expand to all realms of life.
“With the rate of change in the IT industry where new information is doubling in 18 to 24 month intervals, the demand for IT personnel with proven learning abilities is very desirable,” says Michael McAplin, computer information science instructor at Everest University in North Orlando, Fla. “Our premise is to teach people how to learn.”
A “ComputerWorld” article on the future of the IT field states that, “The IT worker won’t be a technology guru but rather a ‘versatilist,'” which adds credence to the trend that computer technology graduates find careers in a wide variety of fields, ranging from health care, to business, to finance.
In addition, as more complex technologies continue to develop, companies seek employees who stay up to date with new technologies. “While some of our students have just graduated, we also find that many students in our computer technology courses have worked before and are coming to us because they want to stay on top of advances in the field. They realize that a technology degree can give them the career they are looking for,” says Keturah Mills, academic program chair of Everest University in Largo, Fla., one of Florida’s computer training schools.
Also, many businesses are emphasizing the need for employees with problem-solving abilities, while sending routine work overseas. “Employers are increasingly telling us that they don’t want employees with just computer knowledge, they want employees who use computer know-how to solve problems, and employees with hands-on experience in a range of real-world applications,” says Mills.
E-commerce and cybersecurity are also expected to influence tomorrow’s computer technology careers. “As more companies and individuals are doing business on the Internet, companies are finding they need to build and maintain databases to store important information on their customers, products and sales,” says Mills. “This goes hand in hand with cybersecurity. Companies increasingly store sensitive information electronically, and as a result, they need to protect that information.”
But some express concern that our nation may not be prepared for this second wave in the technology industry. In fact, the GAO found that graduates in science, math, engineering or technology fields actually decreased from about 32 percent to 27 percent of all graduates between 1994 and 2003. “Because so many people are retiring, there is a huge demand for information technology graduates right now,” emphasizes Mills. To learn more about career opportunities in the fields of technology and mathematics, visit www.everest.edu.
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