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Copy of Logo 1-2Are you interested in shooting your own movie, music video, headshots or other photoshoot; starting your own vlog; or recording a podcast, voiceover or original music?  Are there holes in your own filmmaking gear like greenscreen, cameras, lights, or audio gear and you don’t have enough cash or space to get everything you need? Do you want to use equipment that’s more sophisticated than the camera on your smartphone or dad’s old camcorder?

Whether you have a wealth of experience and are aiming to be the next Steven Spielberg or you’ve never produced a film or other media before and just want to do something fun with family or friends, StudioME, claiming to be, “the next evolution of media,” provides a wealth of resources to those in need.V 8

Producing any level of media works in three phases: pre-production, production, and post-production.  StudioME plans to help any filmmaker with any phase, no matter what level they’ve set as their goal. They do this by advising what steps to take, which kind of equipment would need to be rented, and by making recommendations from a pool of local talent.  If you decide you want to do an action film, but you’re not 100% certain about your stunt coordination, then they would search their pool of talent for you and find the person best suited for your particular style. If you have everything planned and all you need is equipment, they will help you pick out the best equipment and rent it to you at daily or weekly rate.

V 3Currently, most local filmmakers rely on their personal network for finding the right talent and/or tracking down any equipment they might be able to use (which sometimes means they might not get the best equipment for the job). With StudioME, this problem becomes so much easier to navigate as they offer rentals on greenscreen, camera kits, light kits, audio gear, and of course an editing suite, two studios, and an audio recording studio. Additionally, they offer professional workshops and “tips and tricks” videos for those looking to begin or expand their skillsets.

Co-founders Keith Parish and Joe Leachko wanted to be a real resource to the filmmaking community, especially for those aspiring and amateur filmmakers without a lot of funding, and so StudioME membership is free and they keep their costs low and have no hidden fees.  Studio Manager Stephen Kraus and his team make the success of every project their goal rather than milking a client for every penny possible.

Located at 5819 Penn Avenue, StudioME is currently still under construction and plans to provide studio tours in August with a grand opening in September of 2016. Check them out at