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Blu-Ray scores a big win in its battle with HD-DVD by getting Warner Brothers into its camp. Looks like Sony might have paid up big time to get them. HD-DVD coalition Toshiba is bummed.

Sony-BMG is about to become the last label on earth to sell unlocked music files. Expect to see them on Amazon.

Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails has mixed emotions about the outcome of an experiment in optional payments with an album he produced.

Internet advertising is starting to exceed TV advertising in some parts of Europe.

Intel has bailed on the One Laptop Per Child project. Looks like they’re more interested in pushing their own cheap PC.

Looks like the 787 is vulnerable to flying hackers. Boeing says it’s no big deal.

It doesn’t take a hacker to spy on Sears customers. It looks like Sears makes it incredibly easy to do this.

CES is on. With its amazing history of launches, we can hope for things even better than Skype on the PSP or a DVR in the Xbox.


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