PORTLAND, Ore., March 31, 2009 — Njection.com
(http://bit.ly/gJjNa) added another layer to their Speed
Trap mapping system today by including traffic accidents and
fatalities to enhance their data visualization system. This
addition will allow drivers to see where accident black
spots and problem areas are. An updated Njection Mobile
iPhone application [iTunes] (http://bit.ly/4ZFmg) that
allows drivers to be alerted to these high accident areas is
awaiting approval from Apple.
Njection.com has acquired accident data from the National
Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA –
http://bit.ly/C5gpV) and global weather conditions from
WeatherBug.com (http://bit.ly/uwmK2), and coupled this
information with Microsoft Virtual Earth
(http://maps.live.com) to produce a unique use of data
visualization. This Virtual Earth mash-up not only allows
users to view 5 years of accident data collected from the
NHTSA based on local weather conditions but to see it in
4-hour blocks updated every hour from the current time. For
example, if it is 12PM and a user selects the “4 hour
history” radio button, they will be shown a history of
accidents that have occurred between 11AM and 3PM based on
the local weather conditions.
“The goal here is to prevent accidents and make drivers
aware of hazardous areas,” says Shannon Atkinson, Founder
and CEO of Njection.com. “I believe this system of alerting
users to these locations will be able to save lives and
promote driver safety.”
Weather conditions can have a serious effect on drivers and
their ability to maneuver vehicles. Where a steel grated
bridge may be fine for traction under sunny weather
conditions, it could be deadly under drizzle or rainy
weather. This new visualization shows and highlights those
areas on the website and alerts people on the Apple iPhone
while the person is driving.
Njection.com is also working on acquiring more accident data
to provide more detailed information for visitors to view.
Future additions will allow users to print driving
directions that will include high accident locations, red
light cameras and police speed traps along their route. In
addition, future additions will involve acquiring more
detailed accident data from individual states to enhance the
system. Njection.com’s Video section will be added to allow
automotive enthusiasts to upload and share videos. In
addition, a contest, scheduled to begin April 2nd, is
planned to reward subscribers.
About Njection.com
In 2007, Shannon Atkinson founded Njection.com LLC to be a
hub for the exchange of automotive information. In addition
to awareness of speed traps worldwide, a discussion forum
and news for serious car enthusiasts everywhere are
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