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In case you hadn’t heard, is giving you the chance to win a $1000 Vist Giftcard for just following and retweeting a message from them on Twitter.

This is all you have to retweet: “Just entered the CreditLoan Visa Giftcard Giveaway. You can win by following @creditloan and retweeting. “

The @creditloan Twitter stream is really kind of interesting. It’s full of interesting tips and tricks to stretch your pennies and down to earth, understandable information in economics in general.

Even is more helpful than the average debt consolidation site.

Whether you’re actually looking for Debt Consolidation or not it’s worth a look because it has all kind of financial facts about many different industries and answers a lot of credit, personal finance and money saving questions.

I don’t follow a lot of finance stuff, maybe not as much as I should. I do however, enjoy the Articles and Insight that @CreditLoan gives. Also, if you’re not sure of some of the financial mumbo-jumbo the site is easily searchable and there are definitions all over it!

So, get in with a chance. With a $1000 Visa Gift card. Follow and Tweet @CreditLoan and be sure to check out their web site.

Click here for the contest rules.

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