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“Where’s Waldo?” comes to the iPhone

The world renowned geeky guy in the glasses, bobble hat, and red and white striped shirt has made his first appearance with his friends on the iPhone and iPod Touch. “Where’s Waldo?” (or “Where’s Wally?” as it’s known in the UK) is a top selling app in the iTunes...

What can the Apple iPad do for education?

There has been a whole lot of talk this week about Apple’s new iPad. Admittedly I’m more excited than most. I’m not as excited as I am though, because of what the iPad can do. I’m excited because of what the iPad CAN do. Stick with me, this will make sense. One of...


You can’t get a lot more American than Apple Pie, you can’t get a lot more Apple than… Apple. Why not make an Apple Mac Mini Pie? Evil Mad Scientist and the ever awesome MAKE Blog are showcasing what can only be described as an ‘Apple Pie’. There are complete...