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How do you protect your iPhone?

So, I admit it – I’ve thought about getting an iPhone. As much as I enjoy not having a cell phone and being accessible only when I want/need to be. I’m finding it would be nice to be able to make calls, check email, send and receive text messages...
IMAP, Gmail & iPhone

IMAP, Gmail & iPhone

Great video about what the Gmail IMAP feature means for the iPhone. IMAP essentially lets an email application look and share your server based email service and the user can use an email appication to check, read and send their email. IMAP doesn’t download the...
Sweet Mac OSX Themer for Windows XP

Sweet Mac OSX Themer for Windows XP

I’ve been chuckling here at my laptop all evening at the sounds, effects, animations, and nuances of the Apple OSX theme I have running on my Dell Latitude D800 Laptop (running Windows XP). I stumbled across Flyakite OSX downloaded it and gave it an...
More a Mac fan than iJustine?!

More a Mac fan than iJustine?!

Is it possible?! Maybe he doesn’t dream about Steve Jobs (because that would be weird, wouldn’t it Justine) but I’m thinking this guy is a pretty big Apple Fan! Gizmodo brings us one man’s personal Apple Museum, filled with just about every...