by Andy | Oct 29, 2007 | Media Tech
Because there is a social network for everyone, StoryLink launched a network for ScreenWriters today. Aimed at Screenwriters and Filmmakers StoryLink does the usual friends, discussions, events and blogs, it also showcases workshops, lectures and seminars. A...
by Andy | Oct 29, 2007 | Media Tech
The NBC and News Corporation joint venture named Hulu, direct competitor to YouTube has gone into private beta (only special people get to use it right now). According to TechCrunch (and the pictures there) the interface looks rather good, which I’d expect from...
by Andy | Oct 22, 2007 | Media Tech
Here’s a novel idea. Everything USB is reporting that BestBuy is exclusively carrying Matchbox twenty music filled USB Bracelets. Each bracelet runs a costly $35 and contains 17 tracks, a music video, interviews, album art, and other computer stuff. Could...
by Andy | Oct 22, 2007 | Media Tech
Roommates is a new Web Only series on MySpace TV (yes, another one). This quality viewing is brought to us by Iron Sink Media who managed to get syndicated by MySpace. Apparently there are 45 episodes in the series which will run from today until December 21st....
by Andy | Sep 22, 2007 | Blog Tech, Media Tech, Social Tech
It was announced this week that video blogger Amanda Congdon is leaving ABC. She was given a year and her time is up. Apparently it was her idea to leave the network Amanda was really the first video blogger to cross over to main stream media with her show on...
by Admin | Sep 21, 2007 | Media Tech
Guest post by Dan Schawbel, owner of the Personal Branding Blog and publisher of the Personal Branding Magazine. There has been a heated debate as to which platform, either Myspace or Facebook, one should use to establish a Personal Brand. For those of...