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Five ways to keep your computer safe!

[Michael Blumreich is a contributor for the aptly named laptop review site,  He’s currently a university student and lover of all things tech.] The internet and computers are great! You can do so much on them! Email, surf the web, online...

What is Domain Locking? How can it help me?

It is all too easy to mistakenly click something, check something or uncheck something while you’re making changes to your domain information. It is rare but there are occasions when other parties have authorized changes to a domain and managed to take control of them...

Meet me at PodCamp Pittsburgh 5

**September 18-19 2010 – Art Institute of Pittsburgh** Podcamp is a great, global, new media, unconference. Because there as Podcamps all over the World you have no excuse not to go to one. PodCamp Pittsburgh is, of course, our local PodCamp – it is run by a great,...