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There is money in Internet Crime

The BBC is reporting that Internet Crime is becoming quite the commercial activity. Apparently there is quite some money in it. According to Symantec activity on an increasingly growing number of underground auction sites where user details, bank details and credit...

Can you figure this one out?

So, I stumbled across this today. Can you figure out what this ’emoticon-thing’ means? Kudos to all who know. email us (blog at and we’ll add your name and site/blog link to this post. Here it is: +/’\

What is your WalkScore?

Walk Score helps people find walkable places to live. Walk Score calculates the walkability of an address by locating nearby stores, restaurants, schools, parks, etc. Check out and see what your WalkScore is. My address got 40/100 :-S Comment and let us...

Book published. Written on cell phone?!

I got a press release today that made my thumbs ache just reading it. Apparently Mr. Robert Bernocco wrote his book on his cell phone and published it using the online published It took Mr. Bernocco 17 weeks to write the sci-fi novel that came in a little...