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Read/Write Web & Instant Messaging

Read/Write Web & Instant Messaging

Read/Write Web did a marvelous write up of the various instant messengers out there. Of course our favorite is Meebo – simply because they’re the best 🙂 What is your favorite? What have you tried?
Staples to sell Dell

Staples to sell Dell

The New York Times and the Associated Press are reporting that Staples is set to sell Dell computers. Staples is the world’s largest office supply supplier and Dell is…. well, Dell. Maybe this will strengthen the waning Dell market share. Tip to Dell...
Do you/Can you telecommute?

Do you/Can you telecommute?

TreeHugger isn’t always full of tech but it’s a great site none the less, they posted a reader survey asking about telecommuting and attached this Dilbert sketch. Never has Dilbert rung more true. See the poll here  Currently the first option "my...
Design Inspiration –

Design Inspiration –

I stumbled across a really nicely designed site today and just had to bring it to the attention of everyone. is worth a look. My only qualm is the fact that they ‘replace’ your cursor.
Apparently today is Blog Action day

Apparently today is Blog Action day

Apparently today is Blog Action Day. I feel bad that I didn’t post about it earlier but better late than never, right? The idea behind Blog Action day is that tons of bloggers all over the world get together to post about the environment. Consider this my...
Meet the new face of the Internet

Meet the new face of the Internet

  North Korean Leader Kim Jong-Il has proclaimed himself an ‘Internet Expert’ The AFP is reporting that during a summit Kim Jong-il claimed that his Internet expertise made him reluctant to allow further Internet access for North Korea. "I am an...