by techburgher | Jul 2, 2011 | Contributors
The region’s metropolitan planning organization (MPO), the Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission, is now accepting public input on the draft 2040 Transportation and Development Plan for Southwestern Pennsylvania. This plan helps to guide the region’s growth and...
by techburgher | Jul 2, 2011 | Contributors
Concurrent Technologies Corporation (CTC) recently received the Technology Product of the Year Award from TECHQuest Pennsylvania for the eVPP Tool. Companies were nominated based on the development of a technological product, product line, or product service that...
by Andy Quayle | Jul 2, 2011 | Contributors
WWDC 2001 Wrap-Up: Lion, iOS 5 and iCloud! Apple’s keynote at the World Wide Developer Conference was all about the software. OS X Lion The next OS for the Mac will be arriving next month and we got a look at some of its features like Mission Control,...
by Andy Quayle | Jul 2, 2011 | Contributors
GeekBeat.TV – Behind the Gates at DreamWorks Animation Studio At the invitation of Samsung and DreamWorks Animation, we got a very RARE look at the DreamWorks Animation campus! They don’t let cameras in there very often, so we were thrilled at the...
by Ben Oaks | Jun 30, 2011 | Blogging, News
Recently Morpace Research and Consulting did a study on 4G wireless and consumer sediment towards it. Surprisingly, the majority of Americans who currently own a 3G phone say that 4G service will have no effect on their next cell phone purchase. They also found out...
by techburgher | Jun 27, 2011 | Contributors
The Technology Collaborative (TTC), a statewide economic development organization that supports the growth of Pennsylvania’s world-class robotics and digital technologies industries, today announced its most recent round of funding. In total, they awarded $1.2M in...