Take Full Advantage of Home Automation for the Holiday Season
6780680-colorful-christmas-lights-wallpaperThe holidays are fast approaching, and it is a time of year when spirits are high and people are at their busiest. There are several ways home automation can help make this season more fun and easier than it has ever been before. Read on for some techniques to upgrade these celebratory months.

Epson Inspires Holiday Creativity with Easy-to-Use Tech Tools and Holiday How-tos
LONG BEACH, Calif. – Nov. 17, 2015 – The holidays have surpassed traditional forms of entertainment and gift-exchange. Driven by the notion of “Do it Yourself” (DIY), the holidays are more creative than ever when it comes to entertaining family and friends and showing...

From Military to Mainstream: 5 Products Unleashed by Uncle Sam
You might be surprised to know that many products used daily in civilian life were actually invented for military use — hello, cargo pants. While the list is rather lengthy, we picked five of our favorite products that have roots in the U.S. military.

3 tips for finding Mac Parts online
Finding iMac parts is easy if you know where to look. Apple is just one of many great computer companies out there. Computers are one of the most important inventions in the history of the human race. They allow us to accomplish so many daily tasks in a fraction of...

Cool Gadgets Even Your Aging Car Can Handle
The Institute for Highway Safety reported in July 2015 that the average car on US roads today is a whopping 11.5 years. So if your car’s version of high-tech is a power sunroof and Monsoon CD sound system, you’re in for a treat when you decide to start car-shopping, particularly if your love for gadgets has grown over the past decade.

8 Computer Viruses That Brought The Internet To Its Knees
Source: WhoIsHostingThis.com

Addressable TV Advertising Takes Off
Using “addressable” advertising, firms can choose to show their commercials only to people of a specific demographic – taking into considerations attributes such as gender, age, income level, geographic location and previous purchasing history.
Why Your Site Goes Down (and how to fix it)
Source: WhoIsHostingThis.com

3 Ways to Protect Your iPhone From Your Own Clumsiness
The problem is we don’t treat our phones like technology. Smartphones are dropped, submerged, smashed and cracked, and it’s going to stay that way until manufacturers find a way to economically build phones like bricks (looking to you, Nokia).

How Wearable Technology Will Change The Internet
Source: WhoIsHostingThis.com