by techburgher | Jun 10, 2012 | Contributors
In the challenging 2012 business environment, customers demand more amid shrinking budgets and shortened timelines. Moreover, mission-critical projects and system enhancements often exceed budget, take too long, and ultimately don’t meet business needs. Enter the...
by techburgher | Jun 10, 2012 | Contributors
Stonewood Capital Management, Inc., through its investment affiliate and SBC Equity Partners, LP, has partnered with company management to buy the assets of CK Composites, Inc. of Mount Pleasant, PA. CK Composites is a recognized leader in the manufacture of...
by Andy Quayle | May 13, 2012 | Social Tech, Word Wide Tech
There’s no doubt that Twitter is a very, very powerful tool to connect with customers. Chat to them, monitor what they’re saying about you, engage with them, put the news out there to them – there’s all kinds of uses for it – and you should be leveraging them all....
by Andy Quayle | May 12, 2012 | Generally Cool Stuff
Some very interesting statistics here regarding Unified Communications. According to Wikipedia Unified Communications is: Unified communications (UC) is the integration of real-time communication services such as instant messaging (chat), presence information,...
by Andy Quayle | May 10, 2012 | Uncategorized
(ARA) – Technology professionals continue to be in high demand across a wide array of industries. Health care, technical consulting and computer system design are just a few of the growing career directions grads can choose with a technology degree. The...