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What PubSubHubbub means for you

Try saying that three times fast! PubSubHubbub has been getting a lot of press this week. It’s not an easy word to say but it’s a really cool concept and principle. Actually, it’s one of those things that makes you wonder why it wasn’t thought of before. PubSubHubbub...

Google acquires Picnik

Google announced yet another acquisition today – the online photo editing site Picnik is a powerful, flash based photo editing and sharing service. Through Picnik, users can easily fix, fine-tune, crop, resize, and add special effects to any of their...

Quick Observation on Google Buzz

Yesterday I tweeted a question on Twitter This morning, I awoke to an email in my Gmail account revealing to me that there were four responses to my question. This email was a Google Buzz update with replies to a tweet that never showed up on Twitter. I was intrigued...