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Make: Tetris Quilt

Make: Tetris Quilt

MAKE Magazine covered (pun intended) the makers of a really nice Tetris blanket, evidently made out of lots and lots of squares. It’s pretty cool though. See more here
TwitterMap – local Twitterererers

TwitterMap – local Twitterererers

Pittsburgh Do you wonder who is on Twitter in your town or city? TwitterMap is a really cool Twitter/Google Maps Mashup that shows you your local (timeline made public) Twittererers. I’m not sure how it updates, some tweets are from a month ago, some from...

Reactee – Shirts that text back

We stumbled across a really cool t-shirt company; Reactee. They’re textable t-shirts. It’s an interesting concept. It would be novel to see who reads messages on t-shirts and who actually responds to what they say. Imagine, sitting in a bar, on a bus, in a...