by Andy Quayle | Apr 25, 2012 | Generally Cool Stuff, Social Tech, Word Wide Tech
The Search Engine Optimization landscape is constantly changing. Rules change, goal posts move, people find loopholes, strategies change, services come and go but the basics and essential principles stay the same. No matter how far into SEO you are, think you are or...
by Andy Quayle | Apr 23, 2012 | Generally Cool Stuff, Mobile Tech, Word Wide Tech
So many people don’t pay enough attention to their online reputation. A number of times every day I find myself cringing at material (statuses, pictures, posts, comments) that I see other people posting with evident disregard for their online and real life...
by Andy Quayle | Apr 16, 2012 | Google Tech
Google Fiber crews have been busy hanging fiber cables in Kansas City, MO and Kansas City, KS – in fact, more than 100 Miles of the stuff so far. They were kind enough to put a Q&A interview up on their Google Fiber Blog. We’re still disappointed that they didn’t...
by Andy Quayle | Apr 15, 2012 | Google Tech
Using imagery from National Geographic, Google has come up with a tour and some very nice 3D images of the RMS Titanic on Google Earth. The Titanic sank 100 years ago after striking an iceberg in the Northern Atlantic. As technology progresses scientists and maritime...
by Andy Quayle | Apr 15, 2012 | Google Tech
Google has announced that with their latest Google Chrome Beta you can, when signed into Google Chrome, have your browser tabs available on your other compatible, connected devices. Apparently, with just one click you can find – and open a tab that you left open on...