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What is Apple AirPlay? Do you/Would you use it?

What is Apple AirPlay? well, needless to say, it’s an Apple thing.  AirPlay lets users stream music, video and pictures (basically multimedia) wirelessly across AirPlay capable devices. For example – If I have an Apple TV device hooked up to my television and...

How does Rana June DJ using her iPad?

We’re big fans of Rana June Sobhany here at TechBurgh, we even highlighted here way back when in 2007 as a ‘Tech Girl’. The cutting edge performer that she is, Rana recently appeared as a part of a video series: “Under the Bulb: CapturingLife After Ideas...

Mount Your iPad on the Wall! – GeekBeat.TV

Mount Your iPad on the Wall! – GeekBeat.TV At the CEA Line Shows we saw both some cool quirky cases from Speck and a really clever wall mounting system for iPads from Vogel.Speck Cases: RingO Mounts for iPad: Sponsored by ANHosting:...

WWDC 2001 Wrap-Up: Lion, iOS 5 and iCloud!

WWDC 2001 Wrap-Up: Lion, iOS 5 and iCloud! Apple’s keynote at the World Wide Developer Conference was all about the software.  OS X Lion The next OS for the Mac will be arriving next month and we got a look at some of its features like Mission Control,...