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Joomla Versus WordPress

So, which is better? WordPress, the blogging system or Joomla, the Content management system? I believe each have their place and it is unfair to compare the two is a lot of situations. It all depends what you need read more | digg story

Hello…It’s Your Plants Calling

We all know that we’re supposed to talk to our plants to make them healthier, but now the plants are talking back. Using this system, your plants will call you on the phone when they need to be watered, and will even call you afterwards to thank you. They plan...

Google Acquisition – Postini

Google’s acquisition of the week is Postini. The relentless buy-outs continue. Postini is a “Global leader in on demand communications security and compliance” apparently their services compliment Google Apps. Thanks to $625Mil Postini will become a...