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That’s all, folks.

FINAL: [fahyn-l]–adjective 1.pertaining to or coming at the end; last in place, order, or time; 2.ultimate; 3.conclusive or decisive. Thanks to for the definition, but I could have figured that one out on my own. I know what “final”...

The end of an era…NASA-style.

On the morning of January 28, 1986 I was standing in my dorm room surrounded by 8 other girls. I had arm-twisted all of them into getting up “early” that day (meaning before noon) to watch the launch of STS-51. I was absolutely astounded that most of them...

Computer Repair Issues That You Can Fix At Home

Image via Wikipedia Repairing PC issues might look too complicated to unravel yourself, but many end up being reasonably straightforward. You will still pay a lot to have someone fix most major issues for you, so why don’t you try and see if you can do it...

Defining Natural SEO

Is there such a thing as natural SEO? The simple answer is yes, there is. Learning the methods of optimization that appear natural can help protect the health and reputation of your website. This is why it is important to try to learn more about this natural seo...

Green Computing – An Introduction

Image by HDScorp via Flickr A green computer or green IT system is one where the entire process from design, manufacture, use, and disposal involves as little environmental impact as possible. In other words, a green initiative is taken in consideration of all facets...