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Computer Repair Issues That You Can Fix At Home

Image via Wikipedia Repairing PC issues might look too complicated to unravel yourself, but many end up being reasonably straightforward. You will still pay a lot to have someone fix most major issues for you, so why don’t you try and see if you can do it...

Green Computing – An Introduction

Image by HDScorp via Flickr A green computer or green IT system is one where the entire process from design, manufacture, use, and disposal involves as little environmental impact as possible. In other words, a green initiative is taken in consideration of all facets...

Windows XP NTFS Sys Blue Screen Stop Errors

Picture the usual day – you’re home working on your PC and then out of nowhere up pops an ntfs sys blue screen. You panic seeing this error message for the first time. The error is unfamiliar to you and looks unlike any other error that you’ve...

Trading Software Applications – Helping Hand

Online stock market trading has become very popular among a lot of people and there are those who have had considerable success in this field. The ability to work and earn from the comfort of your own home is one of the greatest things about this market. Online stock...

What you Must Understand About Antivirus Software

There is a distinct possibility of having Antivirus Software for people who own computers. It is but natural to have this necessity for a computer owner since it helps in protecting one’s computer from harmful viruses that may infect the computer’s system. The risk of...

Make Sure Your Financial Software Has Job Cost Functionality

Image via Wikipedia Most companies do not place it at the top of their list, but the “Job Cost Report” feature is a feature that, when used to its fullest potential, can increase profits and the bottom-line. Job cost reports take a more focused micro-level...