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Yahoo! will you ever learn?!

There are certain rules in life, one being, If Microsoft offers you $47.5 billion ($33 per share) for your company –  SELL! It doesn’t matter you you are, what you do or (often) what principles you have, a) it’s Freaking Microsoft and b)...

Protect your good name

I’ve posted about life lock on here before but I figure that identity theft is always good to write about. According to, Identity theft tops the Federal Trade Commission’s list of complaints with 674,354 complaints during 2006 (and...

Life Experiences at

Let’s face it – the Hollywood writers strike is making life on Television pretty awful. There isn’t a lot of new material on TV, the repeats got really old really quickly and the award shows are just a joke. Right or wrong the strike has opened up...

Fireblast Training Simulators

I’m sure I don’t need to tell you that there is no such thing as too much training in a fire department. Sadly there is no better training than an actual fire. It looks like FireBlast451 has a pretty good change of changing that, they have realistic...