Select Page Launched

If Rap is your thing then might be a site for you to check out.  It’s a newly launched site that is dedicated to rap music, hip music and rap artists. While no expert on the genre I’d like to know what you think of the site. You can...

Have you heard of LifeLock?

You can’t have been paying much attention if you haven’t seen the lifelock advertisements on television. There’s that guy, Tod someone who goes around with his “actual social security number” in 8 foot tall numbers on the side of a truck....

Satellite Internet Service?

Do you think you’re stuck with Dial-up Internet? Are you located in the middle of no-where and don’t have access to the more ‘traditional’ forms of higher speed Internet like cable and DSL? There’s really no excuse to not have non-dialup...

How not to "Utube"

I just had to post this. I hope it brightens your day a little. Did you know it’s illegal to have a Hedgehog as a pet in Pennsylvania? [ICanHasCheezBurger via Valleywag]

Clock blogs and sites

Clocks have always been a big part of my life. Growing up there were always clocks all over the house in various forms of working, not working, telling the time and well…. not really telling the time all that well. Wheels, springs, cogs, spinning things,...