Top Tips for Maintaining a Social Media Presence for Your Business
For business owners who are new to the world of social media, the very notion of creating and maintaining such a presence online can seem daunting. Creating a page or an account for your company is the obvious first step, but then what? Some companies hire a social...

4 Must-Do’s To Help Keep Smart Phone Banking Safe And Secure
As more people use their smartphones to purchase items online and in stores, thieves have started searching for ways to steal credit card information from mobile devices. Don’t let that scare you away from using the latest payment options. You just have to learn how to protect the credit card information on your phone.

I got into Audible Audio Books. Now I’m hooked (plus a free 90 day trial)
I'll be the first to admit that I don't read nearly enough. Well, when I say "not enough", I actually mean "not at all". It's not like I don't have access to a library or a bookstore. Of course, I have the internet. Reading just seems so.... meh of late. I find...

Verizon Wireless Network Enhancements Coming to Pittsburgh
Network enhancements are underway in the Pitt Triangle, North Shore, Munhall, Station Square and Strip East— among others. Verizon is installing small cells throughout the region, which includes offloading macro cell sites before they reach capacity limits. This is...

From Simon to Snapdragon: The History of Smartphone Processors
Depositphotos_111896158_s-2015Diamonds may be a smartphone’s best friend, claims startup firm Akhan Semiconductor. Akhan hopes the properties of diamonds will make them a viable replacement for silicon in smartphone processors. Besides being the hardest substance on earth, diamonds are the best thermal conductors, running five times hotter than silicon, and they eliminate up to 90 percent of typical energy loss. This means that a diamond-based smartphone could emit significantly less heat and last longer.

20 Two Sentence Horror Stories that will keep you up at night
I came across this thread on Reddit and thought I’d share some of the highlights with you.
What’s your favorite? Do you have any of your own?
Well worth a peruse if you have some time. Oh, and good luck sleeping tonight 🙂

Three Easy Ways to Soundproof Your Home
Whether you live in the city or in the heart of the country, you know that noises from the outside world can wreak havoc on your night. Birds chirping from the roof, neighbors shouting at each other and cars on the road can all interfere with your ability to relax, watch television or even spend time with your family. With some new products and methods, you can soundproof your home in a fraction of the time you expected and enjoy peace and quiet again.

Taking Online Security to the Next Level
According to information security company Trustwave Holdings, 54 percent of e-commerce sites were involved in most data breaches in 2013. The protection of consumer data is driving the latest developments in online security and upgrades. PayPal is in the process of...

Must-Have Tech Gear to Maximize Your Hunt
Every year our favorite brands release new products and technology specifically geared toward maximizing your hunt. And this year's list is no exception. Now that hunting season is just around the corner, it's time to review your arsenal of gadgets in order to...

Hands On: HTC 10 For Verizon Wireless
One of the newest phones out for Verizon Wireless right now is the HTC 10. This is the replacement for the HTC One M9. As you remember we really enjoyed the phone. Can the 10 pick up where the One M9 left off? Let us find out. The HTC10 features upgrades almost the...